East and West Lake Toho Fishing

While located adjacent to one another, just south of the Orlando area, and connected by a canal, East Lake Toho fishing and West Lake Toho are very different and have their own unique personalities. West Lake Toho is noted to have islands, a flowing feeder creek, a long cove extending to the East, normal water clarity, and a tremendous amount of vegetation, both along the shorelines and well out into the lake.

East Lake Toho

East Lake Toho Bass Fishing West Lake Toho is noted to have islands and a flowing feeder creek. It also has a long cove extending to the East normal water clarity. So, tremendous amount of vegetation, both along the shorelines and well out into the lake. It is the perfect example of a dishpan lake. East Lake Toho fishing is exceptionally clear often with good visibility to depths of 7-9 feet. It contains much less vegetation than West Lake Toho.

The exception of its northwest corner, the existing growths are basically confined to a narrow band of perimeter reeds and thin grasses. East Lake is nearly circular in shape and covers approximately 12,000 acres. It is a perfect example of what is often called a dishpan’ lake. There are no continuously flowing tributaries. So, the lake level is maintained by the drainage influx of upper watershed lakes, run-off from the surrounding areas, and rain.

West Lake Toho

West Lake Tohopekaliga is one of the most popular lakes  It is the host lake for Bassmaster Elite Series events on the chain. With the numbers of anglers on the lake and the constant pressure. You will have to use varying tactics to find out what the fish want on the day you fish. Kissimmee grass and hydrilla are always good places to start your search. The lakes are filled with vegetation and plenty of ambush points. The time of year and the water temperature should be the deciding factors on your tactics. The growth of hydrilla in the system has changed the way people fish it.

Horizon Fishing Charters

So, if you would like your chance to catch your fish of a lifetime please select the book now button. BECAUSE your time is now. Lake Toho and Lake Tarpon are available now!! Lake Toho Guide Lake Tarpon Guide  www.horizonfishing.com send us a text or call 727-644-6996 or 407-433-5108 or email us at horizonfishingoffice@gmail.com.
